5 time tested ways to improve your Import Export Business

We all have our share of ebbs and flows with the Import Export Business. Improving the efficiency of your international trade business is all about learning to accept the differences and have your best shot at providing the right kind of services and support. We have given some not-so-complicated and run-of-the-mill tips to run your business.

Running an import export business can be quite a task, especially if you run the business in a small scale. You need to understand the ever-changing customer dynamics, and cope with the socio-economic cultural differences AND run your business. It can get really overwhelming. Fret not, we have some tips that will definitely help you improve your import export business

Choose the right market 

Choosing the right market for your business is first and foremost step. You need to put in a lot of time and research to find out which countries work best for you. You need to analyse which countries have nice trade relationships with your country and pursue those. This tip might sound frivolous but we can’t stress this fact enough – choose the right market is everything for your business.


We have established the fact that you run an import export business. Now, let’s not forget the hassles of the various time zones you would have to deal with. You effectively work 10 to 12 hours a day. And by the time you go to bed, many people would rise and shine for work. It is imperative that you work and provide services to your customers when they are awake. So adapt to their time zones for better customer satisfaction and provide better results.

Talking of different time zones, there’s also something else that marks a vivid difference – Work Ethos. They might be following a different pattern in operating their business right from processing orders to transactions. It is of paramount importance to consider the preferences of your clients/ customers and provide them with fulfilling services.

Increase operational efficiency 

We can’t tell you more how important it is to increase your operational efficiency. There are a few things you can do to make the best of your working hours. Automation is one such big step you can take to increase efficiency and save time. For example, you can use apps and software for calculating dimensions, for invoicing, inventory maintenance, etc.

You can also deploy a software or an app to connect with your clients/ customers across the globe seamlessly, process your international orders – all in one platform. All these will eventually enhance your customer experience. As we all know, happy customers always equal happy companies.

Manage Cash Flow in your Import Export Business

Cash flow is necessary for any business. It is up to you to streamline your cash flow. Especially dealing with international trades, it can be quite a task to manage your cash flow. Use smart methods here. Do not stock up on your goods for longer than needed. Do not give credit term for your buyers more than what is required. Have a clear budget plan with contingency plans. Use the payment money for the right and intended purposes and do not digress. These little tips, if followed regularly, will help you streamline your cash flow a great deal.

Manage different currencies and minimize risk

It’s apparent that you will be dealing with a lot of different currencies. We all know how daunting a task it is to manage a multitude of currencies. You can install apps for currency management and make your work simpler. Also, there are a lot of companies that help with selling your products or services globally. This means that you can enter an agreement with your buyers you don’t have to fully rely on the current currency exchange rates to avoid any losses.


On an ending note, we have laid some of the easy and simple techniques to improve the efficiency of your import export business. You can either make use of all the techniques or take one step at a time. Either way, you are working towards a better tomorrow.  We are right here to help you with your import export business. Do contact us and we will take you on the right path to success.

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