Take your customer service and business to the next level with UI and UX

Have you been hooked onto a certain website just for its very unique design? Do you always shop from a particular e-commerce website just because it is not a pain to find things? A web designer would call this a good ‘User Interface ‘and ‘User Experience’ (UI and UX).

If you own a business, you need a webpage just like the ones we are talking about. Something your customers would love to log on. It goes without saying what it means to your business. Yes, you could increase customer traffic to your website and also drive in sales and promote your brand. But most importantly you get repeated customers because they feel satisfied with their online experience.

What is the buzz about UI and UX?

User Experience is the overall satisfaction of your customer when using your website. This is not a singular feature. This includes usability, functionality and reliability. In short your website needs to have all functions/ features organized in a way that is appealing and accessible to a customer. Let me put it in this way. It is like a pizza that looks and tastes good while satisfying your starving customer! Now imagine if you deliver it to your customer‘s doorstep. That is User Interface- Making it possible for a customer to use all the features easily. The end result- your customer keeps coming back for more pizzas!  

How can you improve customer service with UI/UX?

Hassle free Journey

A good UX design gives your customer a hassle free journey. Simple designs are easier to navigate through and have a greater impact. Choose clutter free designs that display essential information in terms that anyone can understand.  Do not hide exit/close buttons; display clear indicators, error messages and most importantly keep it minimal! Everyone is pressed for time and hence like quicker feedback and clear instructions. A trouble free customer experience means increased credibility and repeated visits.

Personalized customer experience

An intuitive UX design not only provides what customers are looking for but also promotes your other products and services. Don’t we all love a ‘personalized recommendation’ or ‘previously bought ‘section on our favourite shopping app? Now you can add such design elements to cater to your customer’s needs and serve them better.

Enhance CX (customer experience) through UX

Make it easier for the customers to reach you. You can have good chatbots, ‘Frequently asked queries’ section or display proper contact information.  You do not want your customer to spend hours to find out how to reach your customer service department. An angry customer sends hate mails on your social media handles, damaging your brand image. Choose designs that are customer centric and user friendly. 

Let UI/UX do the talking

In a competitive business world your website/app can become your strongest alley. Choose interactive designs that resonate with your business ideals and communicate it effectively to your target customers. Did you know that even the colour schemes you use on your website can invoke certain emotions in your customers? These emotions connect you to them. Use the power of visuals, animations, slogans, colours and sounds to build lasting relationships.

Earn loyal customers and grow indefinitely

Digitalization has created growth opportunities even for small businesses. Employing proper SEO tools can get you on top of Google search results but only a good UI and UX can determine your success. Responsive designs that are visually appealing and functionally best create a magical experience for your users- Something that they will want to experience again and again.  Earn loyal customers, good word of mouth and expand unlimitedly!

Earning customers and retaining them is a quite a challenge. A website/app is the face of your online presence and a good UI/UX can make all the difference. Harness the power of UI/UX to grow your customer base and discover unlimited growth opportunities.

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