Is raising sheep one of the viable ways to increase your profit?

Sheep is a wonderful animal and it is useful to the environment and mankind in more ways than one. But is it really a good idea to raise them for profits? Well, yes they are, if done right. There are more reasons to believe how they can yield more profit than owning cows. One might wonder how? 

To answer the question, cows are large animals which can deliver only one offspring everytime, as opposed to sheeps which is like 6 sheeps can deliver 10 sheeps. The cost of the grazing, breeding, other operations, etc suggest that sheep are more cost effective and yield more profit in a year. Now coming back to the original question, sheep can be grown for profits if done right. Scroll below to find some of the easy and effective ways to raising sheep for profit. 

Stringent expense planning:

It is of paramount importance to watch your expenses closely when it comes to growing sheeps. Profit is only possible when you make sure that the operational costs are brought down to dire necessities. This takes extensive time and dedication from the business owner. Albeit it is difficult it is definitely doable. 

Watchout for lambing seasons:

It is a less known fact that people consider buying lambs more during march to may compared to any time of the year. Hence it is ideal to produce lambs for market at this time of the year. This could vary based on your location too. So, find out when is the time that people invest more on sheeps and lambs in the market. Timing is a very crucial factor, make sure you plan ahead. 

Selecting the right ewes:

Usually ewes can give birth to one to three lambs a year. Twins and three lambs that were born together have a higher probability of giving birth to more than one lamb. Hence careful selection of ewes and taking care of them extensively is a brilliant way to increase profit. 

Labour planning:

Raising sheep can be thoroughly labour intensive during lambing seasons. The lambs need additional care as soon as they are born. Feeding them hay on time, shearing, foot trimming, etc  are tasks which need labour assistance. Labour can be anyone including your family members. Choosing family members for the same can be cost-efficient. 


One of the best things about sheeps grazing is that they are not choosy eaters. They eat everything green unlike cows that prefer only grass. But they need labour to oversee their grazing as they are not choosy and often graze in herds. It is ideal to choose someone from family to take care of the sheep grazing to save costs to a large extent. 


Raising sheep can be quite a task. But following all or some of the aforementioned ideas can help you raise sheeps for profits. Should you have any more tips to add to this, add your ideas on the comment section below.

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